Saturday, 4 October 2008


Met up with Mr.Dino today! lol it was so funny when I first saw him because our shirts where EXACTLY THE SAME COLOUR! When I say exact same, I dont mean one shade lighter, I mean if you put them up against each other they camoflague! hhahahahahah

I'm a really indecisive person and he KNOWS that (another example of weakness. refer to blog right under this one) so he practically forced me to choose a movie. That took around 15 minutes hahhahaha. Then we had another 15 minutes to spare so we just walked around randomly. We got onto the lift (for no reason at all mind you) and got off on the fourth floor. We walked down a corridor and realised we had no idea what area of Eastgardens we were in. We discovered a whole new place! Lol after we found our way back we went into the movies.

OMFG We saw the most horrendous, should-be-illegal thing in the previews. Another trailer for a Barbie movie (coming out on DVD thankfully). We both decided that Barbie was a thousand times worse then HSM (sorry hardcore fans out there).

The film was alright. A seven out of ten. It was nice, cute and really random lol. After that we walked around again. I wanted to go to that park that I've been to before with Mel, Anf, Jakies and Gene. Couldn't find it and when I realised that we passed it we just decided to go to Heffron. We stayed there for.....maybe....more then an hour and half, just chatting and stuff =D.

SOOOOOOOOOOO EFFING HOT! But I had an awesome time. Nxt Thurs is our one month anniversary already! lol

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