In case anyone ISNT reading this awesomely hectos book. DO IT! It's sooooooooooooooooooo good. The summary is that Bella Swan moves with her dad after her mum goes off with this other guy. She moves to a town called Forks and theres this complete hottie there called Edward Cullen. Edward is a vampire (dont worry im not giving anything away it says on the blurb/back) and they fall in love and all this incredibly awesomly written crap goes on and -sigh- soooooooooooo good!
Book sequal is New Moon and Eclipse and then the forth is coming out in a few months. The movie is coming out this year too! I was wondering who who play Edward Cullen, I googled his name and thought this guy would be starring as him :

Book sequal is New Moon and Eclipse and then the forth is coming out in a few months. The movie is coming out this year too! I was wondering who who play Edward Cullen, I googled his name and thought this guy would be starring as him :

But it's actually the Cedric guy from Harry Potter:

I'm Happy either way cause they're both hot >.<
Bell a is being played by Kristen Stewart who you might recognise from Catch That Kid and Panic Room. She is so purty! and looks like the main chick in Stick It.
So I HIGHLY recommend this book to any vampire, romance lover and this has some blood in it too so guys, you might actually like it. 5trillion stars out of 5
I'll post the movie trailer as soon as the month is new!
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