Wednesday, 29 July 2009


Hello all! ok I noe I said no more depressing things but this has been annoying and nagging at me lately. Have you ever had a friend who is like this?:

" didn't say hi to me and I smiled at you and you just walked past. Are you pissed at me cause I'll be really upset if you are. I'll stop talking to you and everyone else so that I don't ruin your lives."

Or something along those lines. At first I felt really guilty about not saying hi and so I would say sorry and don't be silly keep talking. BUT after a while this stuff gets a little annoying especially when the friend always protests about not talking and then when they do, it's about the same damn thing!

Has the thought ever occured to you that I did not see you? or that....I was distracted or busy or I'm just really anti social sometimes? Maybe it's not you it's me?

And you know what else annoys me? Drama queens/kings who don't admit it. Like it's a tiny bit annoying if you make a massive deal about something or say or do something to get attention, if you know you do it and you know it's a bad thing then meh ok at least you're living with the fact and maybe even trying to change it. I think it's unacceptable if you do all sorts of crap and then get all defensive and hysterical when someone even mentions the word drama queen/king. THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE DOING!

I'm sounding mean...gahh. But seriously if someone doesn't say hi or to you or something, don't automatically think that they're pissed at you; think about other things first and then see if there is enough evidence or fact to back up if someone's pissed. If they ARE pissed then try to work it out in a GOOD way. Not a ridiculous extreme way, a GOOD way.

Just try to lighten up and think positive! Not everything is horrible and negative. Breathe and take time to just be happy if you're in a sucky mood.

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