Thursday, 31 December 2009
The middle was about moving on
The end was about new beginnings.
It was all crazy.
I can't think of anything deep or great to say about 2009. So I shall just list words that mean a lot to me.
MSN. Breakups. Depression. New friendships. Sneaking around. Late night convos. DnMs. Ice cream. Easyway. Eastershow. Rice. Moving on. Tests. Exams. Performances. Spiritacular. Michael Jackson. Movies. Music. Weekends. School. Youtube. Downloads. iPods. Girl drama. Boy drama. Crying. Laughing. Happiness. Macs. Beach. Park. Birthday parties. Suprise birthday parties. Photos. Food. Dancing. Singing. Nuns. Teachers. Locker room. Park. Stories. Glee. Pregnacies. Boyfriends. Girlfriends. Bestfriends. Enemies. Relatives. Hugs. Kisses. Fights. Breakdowns. Buses. Trains. Taxis. Carpools. Haircuts. Art. New Moon. Harry Potter. Concerts. Presents. Covers. Junk Food. Make ups. Park. Webcam. Nacho Fries.Changes. Love. Ilyafam.
Happy new year. May this one be better then the last. Hopefully. Make the most of it. Cause there is only one time that there will be a 2010 and we've only got one life to live
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
--Sunday 11th October 2009
Did things change? Was it good? Did I find it?
These are a few of my favourite things (part deux)
- Late night conversations
- Finding bargains in stores
- When plans fall through
- DnMs
- Getting to know someone
- The musty smell of old books.
- Getting back to school shopping
- The first day back at school
- Finding something I've lost
- When you're just messing around with something but it becomes something so much more like a scribble becomes an artwork or jamming ends up being a song
- When you fix something
- Getting mail or a parcel
- Bumping into an old friend while I'm out
- Seeing someone after it feels like forever since you last saw them
- Homemade presents
- Making personal jokes and referring back to it
- Hanging out with friends and forgetting about everything else
- Watching movies in the cinemas and buying CDs
- Sneaking off
Monday, 28 December 2009
MidKnight - AJ Rafael
Monday, 21 December 2009
Season 7 Finale
Sunday, 20 December 2009
About A Boy
On my show where I'm the main character (the angsty and weird teenger that feels no one understands and yet isn't emo...yet) and my family and friends are regulars.
Friends of friends, people at school and extended family are extras and recurring characters.
Drama is
My life show genre would be....hrmmm. I don't know. Is teenager a genre?
My show would be the most like OTH (season 1-4, when everyone was still in high school) except more realistic and normal which pretty much means less sex, drugs and our parents, although equally emotionally damaging, are less evil.
What TV show is your life most like?
Happy Birthday Party
11: Picnic at the park
2.25: The Avatar 3D
5.30:Carols In Domain
Chip In Present: Blue Ipod Nano
After lots of irritation, questions and 5 emails later it changed to:
10.30: Picnic at park. (if piss pouring rain then picnic cancelled)
1: Avater 2D (20$ for 3D)
5:Carols in Domain
Chip In Present: Green Ipod Nano (they ran out of blue)
Lots of buses and threatening rain clouds, card games, soft drinks and phone calls and sneak offs. My favourite part was movies. Avatar is pretty awesome. Happy birthday to Chris and Luke.
P.S. Shoutout of love to God for listening to my prayers to hold off the rain that us mortals predicted for last night at Carols. <3
Friday, 18 December 2009
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Breakfast At Tiffany's
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Carols in Matraville
So me and Luke spent the rest of the night walking around the houses and looking at Christmas lights and then playing games in the park. It was a really really nice night. One and a half more weeks til Christmas!
StephSteph's Partay
Lol everyone was like FLORAL? CASUAL? COLOURFUL?? for the theme. Turns out it was all three.
Got there a little late. Sammy had to get home from city. People were swimming, sitting, talking and Luke and Christie brought their guitars. It was nice. Luke and Gary were paranoid and freaked out that Steph's brother was gna bash them.
Then came cake. There was 3 of them. We kept on stealing everyone's pavlova. It was sooo good. Then we went to the backyard to just hang around. More guitar and singing. It was really nice.
Happy Birthday StephSteph. Ilyy
Picnic Day
Walked to Centennial Park with what was left of the school. Freaking long walk man. Got there, ate a crapload of junk food, skipping rope, limbo, poker, uno and braiding bracelets and hair. Such a girly day. It was good though. Very nice weather. Took photos with teachers that are leaving the school.
We then walked back and we were all really thirsty. I was dying. Guess what we did at school? Skip even more. Oh yeahhhhh. Then last bell of the last day of the year at school rang. I got upset on the bus to school when I realised it would be my last picnic day ever.
Ily 9B302!
English: A
Maths: B
Science: B
History: A
Commerce: A
Philosophy: B
PDHPE: A (Holy crap...)
Visual Arts: C (yeah I know)
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Today, I woke up to an invitation from my boyfriend to draw with him on the Doodle Buddy app on our iPhones. I accepted. My boyfriend then wrote will you marry me? And my closet doors burst open, my boyfriend ninja-rolled to my bed, got on one knee, pulled out a ring and asked again. Of course I said yes. MLIA
MLIA of the day
Long time
Just came home from getting my Mac. The principal's like "h you've been bugging us for 6 months about these things." I said to Mich ( who was my unwilling guardian for the night, more on that later) "That's cause you promised us Macs 6 months ago."
But yeah, bludging 3 periods tmrw for Macbook "boot camp". Sounds brutal. Not really.
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
I always..
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Monday, 30 November 2009
Playlist: Random2 (Yeah that's actually what I named it..)
Taking Chances - Glee (<3)
Almost Lover (Remix) - A Fine Frenzy
Hometown Glory - Adele
Hanging By A Moment - Lifehouse (<3333)
Meet Us Here - The Glorious Unseen
One Man Drinking Games - Mayday Parade
You Be the Anchor That Keeps My Feet On the Ground, I'll be the Wings that Keeps Your Head in the Clouds - Mayday Parade (Longass song titles ftw)
The Last Something That Meant Anything - Mayday Parade
Your Song - Mayday Parade
Walk On Water Or Drown - Mayday Parade
Saltwater Room - Owl City
If My Heart Was A House - Owl City
Vanilla Twilight - Owl City
Cave In - Owl City
I'll Meet You There - Owl City
Our Song - Taylor Swift
White Horse - Taylor Swift
Defying Gravity - Glee
On My Own - Glee
Maybe This Time - Glee
Don't Stop Believin' - Glee
I Gotta Figure This Out - Erin McCarley
OK umm happy stuff.....ilyfam. hehehhe. =D
Didn't go to school today but I shall go tomorrow! Jigging school is a sin, don't do it children. Crap I'm talking to imaginary kids. I'm delirious from the medication that I will consume in a few hours time. Yeah something is seriously wrong with me.
More happy stuff: I deposited money! Finally! and ummm I made a playlist on Windows Media Player which I haven't done in a while. OH it rained!!!!! Happy happy happy. AND I got oreos with strawberry filling! It would be even more awesome if I find where grandma put them. Tomorrow I'm seeing Luke after....4 days YAY.
Side note: I hate going to the doctors. A lot.
OH btw there's a tiny chance I might be going to America these holidays. I doubt it though, I don't really want to go either. Long story, not really, just a lot of...well not complications, just pro's and big cons.
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Saltwater Room - Owl City
When you and I are alone I never felt so at home
What will it take to make or break this hint of love?
We need time
Only time
When we're apart, whatever are you thinking of
If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?
So darling do you we'd fall in love?
All the time
All the time
I love this song. I used it in my visual arts presentation. Owl City is *heart*
I also bought Pocky, ice cream and snacks. I really need to restock on my secret stash. I've only got a few Cola Chupa Chups left.
My bad
Monday, 23 November 2009
I hate it when
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Midnight Sun Snippet
Believe me, I wanted to say. I've tried
Oh, and also, I'm wretchedly in love with you.
heheheh. I can't wait until this comes out. Gets me wondering about what boys think about. I love Edward's mind and thought process. Especially when Bella is in danger or when another guy thinks about her. It's funny, sweet and completely adorable his overprotectivness and jealousy and absolute, complete oblivious love for Bella.
God I'm hoping it'll pour soon...
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Maybe This Time
All the odds are
New Moon
Went over to Luke's first, then movies. When Luke found out there were two showings and the one I was in was full, he didn't wanna sneak in to watch it with the whole group so I just went to watch it was him. Connie, her boyfriend and Teresa was there.
I had a really good time. Even if the movie stuffed up a lot in the beginning.
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
It's just
Bad Blogger
I want one good day. I need one good day. Where no one and nothing is sad, angry, annoying, disappointed or disappointing or bad. I want one day where it can begin happy and end happy. I'm not asking for something awesome or amzaing to happen. A day where nothing bad happens is all I want, is all I need.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Mary's Dance Concert
Then we picked up Sharon and looked at more bridal dress photos. They look soooooooooooo pretty <33.>
Saturday, 14 November 2009

Ok, now do you see the three bones that make the thumb? Those on my right hand are freaking aching. It's not painful but it's enough to be noticable and irritating. It think something's wrong with the joints.
Kudos, Kung Fu!
"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.”
~Bruce Lee
Good on ya Bruce. Show those "hardcore", tank, testosterone, ego-filled fighters how a real man talks.
I'm working
But yeah I'm working on a self help project to help me build my confidence up and get rid of my insecurities. Hopefully one day I'm brave enough to show you all what it is.
Friday 13th's
Things that Flickr want me to do:
- Buy thousands of dresses, shorts, shoes, tops and skirts. I wear my jeans too much. But I love jeans, I love denim
- Get an SLR -_-
- Take pictures of myself and friends.
- Becoming less camera shy
- Find a field of some sort. Flower field, grass field, wheat field. Any.
- Learn how to photoshop like Gino. Because he is way too talented for his own good.
- Write and learn more songs on my keyboard
- Steal my sisters clothes when they're out and take photos in them in random poses, places and times.
- Learn how to dance
- Get a flickr account. Damn them. They got to me....
Photographs - jane.bird
my mind is filled with photographs
like my walls
i cant seem to take them down, though
and when i try to take them down
there they are, stained under the crown of my walls
and there they are underneath it all
and so i lay down, staring at the ceiling
and there they are, constellations in the stars
so i turn over onto my face and i
face the floorboards,
and i hear them creaking in the floorboards
photographs, the photographs
of you
the photographs of you
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Then Michelle put me off hold xD
The music they give you when you're on hold is really pretty. xP
Things to do:
- Get chalk and draw in the backyard or on the driveway when I know it's going to be rainy soon
- Have a massive, full on water fight in Summer holidays with my friends
- Come up with another song
- Fill the blank canvas I asked Sammy to buy me
- On a sunny sunny day with no plans or work, lay in the backyard on my blue chair until the stars come out
- Go Christmas and birthday present shopping
- Get a job to be able to pay for the presents
- Come out alive
Owl City <3
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
So Close - Jon McLaughlin
You're in my arms
And all the world is calm
The music playing on for only two
So close together
And when I'm with you
So close to feeling alive
A life goes by
Romantic dreams will stop
So I bid mine goodbye and never knew
So close was waiting, waiting here with you
And now forever I know
All that I wanted to hold you
So close
So close to reaching that famous happy end
Almost believing this was not pretend
And now you're beside me and look how far we've come
So far we are so close How could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now?
We're so close
To reaching that famous happy end
And almost believing this was not pretend
Let's go on dreaming for we know we are
So close
So close
And still so far
I just wanna
It's days like these
Monday, 9 November 2009
Would I make a good peer support leader?
Going through
Sunday, 8 November 2009
From now on
Saturday, 7 November 2009
I want to get out of here
I just got to get out of here. Be it by taxi, train, bus, plane, foot, car I don't care. Be it across the road, across the country or across the world. I want to be anywhere but here.
Today I Got:
- 6 Buses
- 1 Taxi
- whacked/slapped in the eye by some guy on the bus accidentally
- nice time with friends while taking photos at Bondi Beach
- Mr Whippy choc top
- to make friends with a taxi driver
- to sing you my song
- you
Thursday, 5 November 2009
What is wrong with me?
Anywhere But Here - Mayday Parade
And I haven't said it yet
I'm falling and the writing's on the wall
Today was misery
And I just can't believe this happened
And I finally broke down
(I finally broke down)
She held on to my heart
But now my only star is falling
And it's burning to the ground
Now I'm crying out
Secret love, my escape
Take me far, far away
Secret love, are you there?
Will you answer my prayer?
Please take me anywhere but here
Anywhere but here
You're all I've got right now
No one else figures out this feeling
And how lonely it can get
(How lonely it can get)
These words can cut right through
'Cause all along I knew you're sorry
But you haven't said it yet
But I won't forget
Secret love, my escape
Take me far, far away
Secret love, are you there?
Will you answer my prayer?
Please take me anywhere but here
When we're together
Thoughts of her disappear
If I fell to pieces
You'll heal this pain I feel
Secret love, my escape
Take me far, far away
Secret love, are you there?
Will you answer my prayer?
Secret love, my escape
Take me far, far away
Secret love, are you there?
Will you answer my prayer?
Please take me anywhere but here
Anywhere but here
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
I think the weather is screwing us up...nah I'm just looking for other things to take the blame
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Near To You - A Fine Frenzy
But it's taking so long
'Cause though he's gone
And you are wonderful
It's hard to move on
Yet, I'm better near to you.
You and I have something different
And I'm enjoying it cautiously
I'm battle scarred, I am working oh so hard
To get back to who I used to be
He's disappearing
Fading suddelly
I'm so close to being yours
Won't you stay with me
Near to you, I am healing
But it's taking so long
'Cause though he's gone
And you are wonderful
It's hard to move on
Yet, I'm better near to you.
I only know that I am
Better where you are
I only know that I am
Better where you are
I only know that I belong
Where you are
Near to you, I am healing
But it's taking so long
Though he's gone
And you are wonderful
It's hard to move on
Near to you, I am healing
But it's taking so long
'Cause though he's gone
And you are wonderful
It's hard to move on
Yet, I'm better near to you.
Yet, I'm better near to you.
I'm not thinking straight
Finished my tissue box
But I still can't see through it all
Why is that even though you're the one who hurt me
I still need you, I still want you, to be here to comfort me most?
Monday, 2 November 2009
Sunday, 1 November 2009
I'm alright, I really am. I'm just being a hypocrite and a drama queen. I just gotta move on and bounce back fast like I usually do. I'm wasting my time being an angsty teenager when there are so many more beautiful things that the world has to offer. So I just gotta get my priorities straight, some motivation, you and faith. *breathes continuously*
Down - Jay Sean
I wonder
Saturday, 31 October 2009
This morning
Friday, 30 October 2009
My day
Recorded it
Hometown Glory - Adele
From my hometown, oh the people I've met
Are the wonders of my world
Are the wonders of my world
Are the wonders of this world
Are the wonders of mine.
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Beauty and the Geek
Don't Stop Believing
Glee's on tonight. I think my whole week leads up and looks forward to watching it most now. Which is quite sad. But yesh, I heart being Gleek xD
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
You've got me
I like your hair. Who does your hair? I wanna go there.
jane.bird on flickr
i still pray for you.
i still pray for those things about your heart that only i knew."
This girl is amazing. Inside and out. Go check her stream on Flickr. Absolutely inspiring.
Monday, 26 October 2009
I think
Sunday, 25 October 2009
One Man Drinking Games - Mayday Parade
Then I'd run over to your house and I'd scale the chainlink fence
That borders your back yard and then I'd climb through your window
And I'd whisper that I love you as you fall out of your clothes
And we'd lay there in the darkness like the dream of you I had
Where we captured all the fireflies and knew what time we had
Could be counted on your fingertips, that almost made you cry
You let me hold you tightly as we said all our goodbyes ohhh
May I say I loved you more?
May I say I loved you more?
My Good Deed
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Friday, 23 October 2009
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Didn't want you guys to see me like that. I'm thinking it's genetic; grandma has a really bad case of it, Mich got it once and this wasn't the first time it happened to me. Thankfully this only lasted a couple of minutes.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
It's weird..
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
If you're reading
Monday, 19 October 2009
She tells me to come over so I do. She tells me that we are having lasagna and garlic bread tonight and that I should run before dad comes back. Wow, she showed that she had niceness in her. Then we met up with two other people and we just walked around to nearly every department store to find the perfect type of exercise book for Luke. Then I got ice cream, we sat down for an hour doing nothing and trying to decide what to do.
Around 4, me and Luke went to catch the bus back to mine and visited Bob. Then he had to go. I spent the rest of my day trying to finish my art, which I stuffed up and had to redo. School was today. Better then I expected. =P
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Friday, 16 October 2009
Upside Down
Thursday, 15 October 2009
P.S. I Love You
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
7 buses, 1 car, 1 taxi
392 - To Steph's, missed a stop so I had to walk more then I should've. Felt so unfit. Grawr
Car - Steph's mum drove me, steph and georgie to coogee where me met up with migi and took photos for Wylies competition. Twas fun
370 - To kingsford. After photos, Migi had to go so me, steph and georgie wanted to go Bondi to eat
400 - Got a chicken burrito from Bondi Junction. Didn't know it was mildly chilli...walked around to Greater Union in hopes of "bumping into" Anthony
400 - Kingsford. Everyone had to go home and work and stuff
391 - Matraville. I JUST got to this bus. Went home
309 - Mascot. Wanted to go to Luke's, hang and bum around for a while.
303 - Kyeemagh. Went to Lukes, debating over 15 minutes on what to do; go to Migi's, beach or a random park. Ended up in his backyard...he kept headbutting and poking me...strange boy xP nah nah jks, heart =D
Taxi - Home. Cause the next bus was at 6 and I would have been slaughtered by my parents if I got home too late
Monday, 12 October 2009
Welcome Back
day number two
day number three
day number four
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day number six
day number seven
day number eight
Life Happens - AJ Rafael
Peace, love, clarity and serenity
Sorry my bad I've been listening to Fergie
Too much time is on our hands
So lets do what we can
To make the most of this
And we can conquer anything
Don't you worry about it
Cuz during the rough times
The war and the scandals and the bad rhymes
We'll make it together with a big smile
And maybe it'll work out this time around
Because life happens and it happens fast
It goes by so quick I dont know how long I'll last
Life happens and it so happens
That life's not fair
And with the delays and the roadways
We never think that it'll work out
But I know you and I know me
We're tough and we know whasup
Because life just happens
I think that you need
Peace, love, clarity, friends and family
They will help you through
All the problems that you're having
And know that you know that you gotta take a chance
At what you got and dont you
Stand around just waiting
Gotta ignore all the hating
We gotta reflect on
The future and whats holding us together
The ties that we make will last forever
And if we hold on then we can make it strong
Don't be discouraged by the storm
It hits me sometimes but I got to move on
I know you're worried bout what's wrong
But it in this lifetime all you need is love...
Sunday, 11 October 2009
I'll see you in my dreams
Life feels weird at the moment. I feel like something big or a massive change is about to happen. Hopefully it's something good. I'm content at the moment; everything seems fine. I'm feeling like I'm looking for something nowadays too.
One day..
A little get to know me thingy
Nickname: Fong, Fongers, Fong Fong...anything with Fong in the beginning, or middle...or end
Grade: I'm in the 4th term of Year 9 (technically term 3 holidays but who cares)
I love anything musical even though I'm a noob at all of it and my friends are amazing in it.
My best friend's code name on this is Luke and he has been my rock ever since I've met this boy.
I like to do a lot of things like write, draw, sing, dance, cook, play keyboard but I'm really sucky in all of those fields so I gotta get my procrastinating and lazy ass of this computer chair and start practicing.
Two chinese parents, two older sisters and my grandma also lives with me
I'm Christian but not fully yet though I've been having the feeling lately that I've been getting more closer and closer.
I adore people for their talents, personalities, passion and general awesomeness
I am really really shy if you first meet me and I'll be hanging around the people I know more first, but if i see you around more then I'll eventually come out and not shutup =P
My obsession will forever be Sailor Moon
I'm directionally challenged, disorganised, indecisive and messy
I eat anything in front of me as long as it's not chilli or spicy in any way. Even if I'm not hungry and food is just right in front of me, I'll eventually eat
I'll do ridiculous things and go to weird lengths to not embarrass myself but in the end I usually embarrass myself more which helped me learn that the best way to brush those kinds of things of is to laugh it off and be comfortable with silly mistakes. Of course I don't always remember this sometimes.
I don't get angry, more annoyed or frustrated but never fully angry/raging/yelling&telling off. I try best to avoid confrontations or conflict. Yeah I'm one of those people =P
I try my best not to judge and listen first, but I admit I can get a bit prejudice and biased
If I ever get the rare compliment I get embarrassed but inside I'm like....having a freaking fireworks jumping for joy in accomplishment kind of thing. Outside I smile and say thank you as calmly as I can.
I'm a freak as you can probably tell
I'm a sucker for sweets, musicals, cute/epic cartoon characters and Disney/Movie songs.
The things I dislike most in people is backstabbing, behind the back talking, grudges, unjustified anger or reasons.
I love my friends and family very much even if sometimes they can be not so....understanding or as supportive or sensitive to me. We all have those moments.
Yeah this was WAAAAAAAAAAAAY longer then I intended. Imma go to sleepie nows. Gnite, ttyl, maybe cya around. Ily.
Last one! I swear!
Oh gosh...
Yet another youtube post...
Daily Countdown
day number two
day number three
day number four
day number five
day number six
day number seven
day number eight
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Secret #26
My hair smells weird
I use the Classic Herbal Essences that smells like roses and stuff. Right now It smells like a mix of bubble mix, vanilla and my sisters perfume. Which is nice but weird. Is this what I usually smell like and only noticed it now or has someone been tampering with my shampoo or am I doing too much random stuff lately? wth????
Lunch - Milk tea with chocolate covered biscuits in the shape of bears
Dinner - Rice and pork
Dessert - Warm milk, the biscuits again except this time with whipped cream and mini chocolates
Physical activity today - Dancing and walking around the house aka minimum...the usual
Daily Countdown
day number two
day number three
day number four
day number five
day number six
day number seven
day number eight
Cannot put this book down...
Friday, 9 October 2009
One Day
Current Music Moods:
Daily Countdown
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day number six
day number seven
day number eight
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Holiday movie list:
- 500 Days of Summer
- Ponyo
- G-Force
- Couples Retreat
- Funny People
- Up (3-D)
- Mao's Last Dancer (My great aunt's nephew is the executive producer of this, they went the the premier red carpet night thingy and he said a speech and introduced the guy which this movie is based on who lives in Melbourne now. I find this extremely cool)
Virgo Horoscope - Dolly
Life You prefer to leave the role of class clown to someone else, but this month, you'll be talkative, lively and captivating. This is a great time to write poems, a screenplay or even start a journal or blog.
Love You'll attract an intelligent guy who keeps up with you on a mental level, understands you completely and always makes you laugh. It'll being as a friendship but will turn into something more.
Virgo Guy He'll be funny, expressive and full of surprises.
Spent my morning
Daily Countdown
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day number eight
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
"i just ate love, it tastes burnt"
Then we went to the park right next to georgie's park and went on her go kart thingy down her hill. I crashed into the fence xD. oh yeah I am so cool.
Then we played soccer which i haven't played in years. At the beginning of the game me, steph and shazz were on one team while georgie, her sister and migi were on the other. Then I was the only person on my team versing migi and georgie and her sister. I got sooooooo tired and I felt SO unfit xD. but yeah it was so fun. I love soccer.
Then we just sat on the grass and sang songs from TV and movies. Then Migi and Shazz had to go so then me and Steph caught the bus.
It was a really good day. We planned to go Wylie's on Wednesday and then city on Saturday.
P.S oh and about the title. Migi made the words Paramore, ily and BNE (Brand New Eyes) out of the left over pastry. Steph accidentally left it in the oven a little too long so it was a little burnt. I ate the L from ily and it was burnt alllllllll the way through.
stumbled upon a quote:
It's a messy, complicated place
Where there's rarely just one answer to a question.
And always more than one side to a story"
Daily Countdown
day number two
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day number five
day number six
day number seven
day number eight
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
P.S. Glee is awesome
Monday, 5 October 2009
Monopoly Night
I hate it when my sisters and family accuse me of something. They all aren't even home for more then half the time and when they are home they talk to me for 5% of that time, probably less. Then Sam tells me off for "being on my phone 24/7". This pissed me off for several reasons:
- She uses her phone ten times more then I do and she has TWO phones
- I was just checking a text and looked at it twice before she yelled at me
- She only talks to me when I have to fix the internet, turn the printer on or showing off something new she bought. She has no right to yell at me for something that I didn't do
I also hate when they're hypocritcal. Like when they tell me not to use that voice at someone and then they do the exact same thing ten seconds later.
Then during the times they talk to me it's either a favour or something to put me down. Then when I actually stand up for myself or try to ignore it then I'm "giving them attitude" or "being a smart ass". You'd think after more then 5 years of this I'd be used to it. I'm starting to not give a damn about what they say anymore. Yeah that's right, I'm giving them "attitude". It's called bottling it up inside so that I don't have to pour 5 years of low self esteem and hurt out at you.
Wow, from monopoly night to a teenage angsty rant about how stupid my family can be. Yeah that's great.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Secret #25
- River Flows In You - Yiruma (Fong's easier/shorter version)
- Missing You - 1st Lady
- Wonderments - Bethany Joy Lenz
not much but me happy =D
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Now I've got a feeling if I sang this loud enough you would sing it back to me
Looking Up - Paramore
I thought I'd never see the day when you smile at me.
We always pull through
oh when we try,
I'm always wrong but you're never right.
You're never right!
Honestly, can you believe we crossed the world while it's asleep?
I'd never trade it in, cuz I've always wanted this!
It's not a dream anymore! Ohhh..
It's not a dream anymore! It’s worth fighting for.
Could have given up so easily
I was a few cheap shots away from the end of me
Taken for granted, almost everything that I would have died for
Just yesterday,
Just yeterday
Honestly, can you believe we crossed the world while it's asleep?
I'd never trade it in, cuz I've always wanted this!
It's not a dream anymore! Ohhh..
It's not a dream anymore! It’s worth fighting for.
God knows the world doesn’t need another band, (whoo-oa, whooo-oa!)
But what a waste it would’ve been! (whoo-oa, whooo-oa!)
I can't believe we almost -- (whoo-oa, whooo-oa!)
We're just getting started (whoo-oa, whooo-oa!)
Honestly, can you believe we crossed the world while it's asleep?
I'd never trade it in, cuz I've always wanted this!
It's not a dream anymore! Ohhh..
It's not a dream anymore! It’s worth fighting for.
I can't believe we almost hung it up (whoo-oa, whooo-oa!)
We're just getting started (whoo-oa, whooo-oa!)
I can't believe we almost hung it up (whoo-oa, whooo-oa!)
We're just getting started
We're just getting started.
This teenage angst that comes from us and our biggest worries about life...
Running from lions
Friday, 2 October 2009
Proud Purchases
- Ring with engraving as a going away present for Luke
- Pizza bread from Baker's Delight (my first ever purchase there)
- Iced Chocolate from Wendy's
- The heart earrings I always wanted from Tree of Life
- "All We Know" and "Brand New Eyes" Paramore cds from JB Hi Fi
I'm so happy, I haven't bought anything for myself in so long. The Paramore songs and lyrics are sooooooooo awesome and I wore the earrings after I left Tree of Life. I hope Luke likes his present.
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Promise Me - Bethany Joy Lenz
And I already miss you like hell
What am I going to do
If I ever lose you?
The thought of you leaving me
Has got me hyperventilating
I can’t breathe
Cant function
Without you
Promise me
You’ll stay with me
Promise me
You’ll hold me tight
Promise me
You’ll always stay by my side
And never say good bye
Sometimes at night I can’t sleep
You gave me insomnia
The only way I can drift to sleep
Is knowing I might see you in my dreams
Promise me
You’ll stay with me
Promise me
You’ll hold me tight
Promise me
You’ll always stay by my side
And never say good bye
This distance and the time in between
Won’t come between you and me
But sometimes it’s just so hard
Promise me
You’ll stay with me
Promise me
You’ll hold me tight
Promise me
You’ll always stay by my side
And never say good bye
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Philosphy - Friendship & Love
Do you think the reverse is possible?
Do you think it is possible to have both with the same person at the same time?
lolololol timing is everything. And I had to write Lyrics on my philosophy on love. Here is my final and failed sucks *nodnod:
[Verse 1]
Not knowing what’s going to happen
Not caring, just see what happens
Cause life’s too short to worry
And we’re running out of time
Just keep moving and don’t look back
No regrets
Don’t hold your head too high
Don’t look down on those
Or else you’ll just miss out on
What’s right in front of you
[Verse 2]
Hold my hand tight and don’t let go
I never want to lose you
Won’t go on without you
You’re forever in my heart
Since the day that this whole adventure started
Just keep moving and don’t look back
No regrets
Don’t hold your head too high
Don’t look down on those
Or else you’ll just miss out on
What’s right in front of you
Cause baby it’s a long road
But I’m willing to walk all the way
As long as you’re by my side
Cause as long as you’re here
I’ll never have to fear
As we challenge the clock
We’ll never stop
Just keep moving and don’t look back
No regrets
Don’t hold your head too high
Don’t look down on those
Or else you’ll just miss out on
What’s right in front of you
Just keep moving and don’t look back
No regrets
Don’t hold your head too high
Don’t look down on those
Or else you’ll just miss out on
What’s right in front of you
Ohh yeah, baby remember I love you.
New Moon Extended Trailer
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Afterwards we bought the program, the cd and then ate at Passionflower. Then when we got to the car Mich lost the car keys. She emptied out her whole bag twice and didn't find it until she was angrily shaking the bag upside down.
...heart x]
A Chat With Mich
M: Like what?
C: Like the leather jackets, the heels, the dresses
M: Yeah, fashion repeats itself
C: Nothing new is ever created anymore...
The Time Travelling Wish
Random Rant
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Baby look at me, tell me what do you see?
I'm gonna learn how to fly
I feel it coming together
People will see me and cry
I'm gonna make it to heaven
Light up the sky like a flame
I'm gonna live forever
Baby remember my name
Best Formal Movie Moments - Dolly
American Pie
She's All That
Never Been Kissed
Pretty In Pink
Napoleon Dynamite
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
10 Things I Hate About You
Friday, 25 September 2009
Thursday, 24 September 2009
I Can Feel A Hot One - Manchester Orchestra
Lyrics | Manchester Orchestra lyrics - I Can Feel A Hot One lyrics
It's such a sad song but it's beautiful, danced to by year 12s at The Show this year. The dance was so nice
Secret #22
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Monday, 21 September 2009
Mum then calls and tells me to get ice ready and she said she was going to come over and pick it up. SO i got it ready but then she called and asked me to bring it over. I didn't want to cause I though Luke was going to be at my place any minute.
I go over and give her the ice. She then asks me why people outside are asking for me, I'm like...what? So I go outside and I see everyone there. I just say....umm
Everyone's like...OH!...Happy Birthday! I was suppose to come in through the front with Luke but mum didn't know so she called me over.
Anyways everyone planned me a suprise party since like...3 weeks ago. EVERYONE knew. Luke contacted my family and arranged it and then my friends all chipped in and bought me a keyboard!
Everyone thought I had some kind of suspicion but I had generally no idea. There was Migi, Christie, Steph, Maro, Shazz, Laura, Vanessa, Georgie, Mila and Kiera. There was Luke, Gene, Jack, Chris, Lauren, Justin, Gary.
We ate at the restaurant and then went to the same park me and the girls went to for the photoshoot near Stephs place. It was awesome. There was bubbles, tree climbing, racing, 44 home, poker, harrassing little kids for their skateboards and scooters and just lying around on the grass. There was a million photos from Migi and Shazz's SLRs.
I'm glad Luke convinced me to wear a dress or else I would have shown up in jeans and a weird t-shirt.
Anyways I had one of the best days of my life, I want to thanks my gorgeous friends and family. I love you all so much!
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Unforgettable - Caitlin Stasy & Dean Geyer
Why did they take you away?
I was never scared
In your arms I felt invincible
I wanted you to see
The ground beneath my feet
I wish that you would stay
I would tell you
You’re unbelievable
And I just want you to know
You’re who I want to be
And I’ll sing
With everything I have inside of me
You’re always in my heart
There’s no letting go
Oh you gotta known,
You’re unforgettable
You’re unforgettable
I just need to hear you speak,
Hold on to my hand.
There’s nothing in between us,
I know you’re thinking of me.
You’ll be there where I’ll be.
And I just want you to know
You’re who I want to be
And I’ll sing
With everything I have inside of me
You’re always in my heart
There’s no letting go
You gotta know,
I just want you to know
You’re who I want to be
And I’ll sing
With everything I have inside of me
You’re always in my heart
There’s no letting go
You gotta know,
You’re unforgettable,
You’re unforgettable,
You’re unforgettable.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Monday, 14 September 2009
The Climb - Miley Cyrus
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying
"You'll never reach it"
Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking
But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking
I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going
And I, I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on
'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Somebody's gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!
Keep on moving, keep climbing
Keep the faith, baby
It's all about, it's all about the climb
Keep the faith, keep your faith, whoa
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Friday, 11 September 2009
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
I don’t really have a question, I just wanted to say you’re amazing and inspiring to me and my friends. So in appreciation of your awesomeness…*virtual hug from Australia* =3
Bold is me =P
A Whole New World - Aladdin
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Svetlana Chmakova
My question is how do you know which person is the one you want and which person is the one you need? Just a random thought I had during the day
MLIA's of the day
Today, I asked my youngest brother what he wanted to be when he grew up. He said he wanted to be a snowman. I support him 100%. MLIA.
Today, I was at a restaurant and the drunken people at the table behind us were taking pictures. I then spent the rest of the night with the bread knife popping into the pictures with a maniac look on my face. I can't wait til those get developed. MLIA
Good Girls Go Bad
Monday, 7 September 2009
Hah anyways, yeah got it cut on Sunday with Luke and had lunch with his family, nacho so gooooooooood. Get them at Salsa's, it's like....-droooooooool- xD
Trying to plan a party also! Not really a party, just a birthday get together :P.
Random note: I'm in love with Taylor Swift. That is all =D
Assignments List:
Commerce: Plan a trip
History: In class exam on WWI
Religion: Literary forms in the Bible
Science: Lights and lasers: Reflection and refraction (Dance parties)
Math: Yearly Exam (pretty much every single thing we've learnt this year)
and thats it for now...
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Gonna Be Right Here - Bethany Joy Lenz
What’s on your mind
If I saw your heart
What would I find
Is it me,was it her
What’s this all about?
Please tell me it’s driving me crazy right now
No more excuses
No more stupid lies
We’ve got to face the truth now
And look it in the eye and realize
That it’s a big world and we’ve got all this time
To make mistakes and fix them
Boy it’ll be just fine
Things might get messy
But I’m gonna be right here
To hold your hand baby
It’s been a rough couple of days
So much has happened
We’re getting tired
Feel’s like everything is falling behind
So no more excuses
No more stupid lies
We’ve got to face the truth now
And look it in the eye and realize
That it’s a big world and we’ve got all this time
To make mistakes and fix them
Boy it’ll be just fine
Things might get messy
But I’m gonna be right here
To hold your hand baby
We’re only human
We’re not perfect
We’ll find our way and that’s why I’m gonna say
No more excuses
No more stupid lies
We’ve got to face the truth now
And look it in the eye and realize
That it’s a big world and we’ve got all this time
To make mistakes and fix them
Boy it’ll be just fine
Things might get messy
But I’m gonna be here
And it’s a big world and we’ve got all this time
And I’m gonna be right here
To hold your hand baby
My Bad
M:Good cause I have to study tonight and you're stressing me out
C:I'm not doing anything
M: I know, but you're just...there
Secret #15
Wow that was Gossip Girly. Well...
xoxoCF ;D
Other Accomplishments:
- Watch all of CommunityChannel's videos
- Memorise Thriller dance by myself
- I am finally going to get that haircut in...half and hour
- Drawing daily
- Woke up earlier then 11 today willingly
- Gave dad a Digital Set Top Box. Safe to say I will watching as much TV as I did in primary school.
Speaking of which, HAPPY FATHERS DAY! To my daddy, I lovvvvvvvvvvveee you. I know I can be a little brat and I know you've done so much for me so thank you and -insert heart x infinty-
Heheh yeah I'm a daddy's girl =P.
P.s. and yes I do know these accomplishments are quite ordinary and sad and you're probably say "These are great accomplishments? Heck I do these everyday, I must be freaking awesome!" Well a) you are and b) shutup xD....ily
Porno Music/Comment Time Love
- Aussie
- Her topics are totally relatable (yes even if you aren't asian ;D)
- How many people can say that they have porno music/comment time daily? Yeah that's right, only she can.
- She friends with Kev-freaking-Jumba and numerous other awesome youtubers
- She went to Comic-Con for her freaking birthday which only exemplifies her cool/nerdiness to me.
- She saw Time Burton and Johnny Depp at Comic-Con and then proceeded to go to the Alice In Wonderland Set Tour, that would be...the ultimate birthday present.
- There can be more then one of the in one shot. Yes my lack of seeing ordinary people do special effects in everyday videos is astounding.
- She recommends brilliant books and movies
- Her your mum and pedofile jokes are smooth and awesome
Just subscribe or watch, you'll know what I mean. *nod nod
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Memoirs of a Geisha

Yeah I know last nights picture was WAY better but that's cause I had a guide to look at. This one is just a reference and my own head thinking. I like this style of drawing, not really anime, not real life but a sorta inbetween and I love the contrasting colours in the other one too. This one isn't as great.
I'll Meet You There - Owl City
And talk forever just to pass the time
I would smile as the shivers and chills run down my spine
With your eyes are locked on mine
Oh we will fill the metro skies with country air
And when you close your tired eyes I'll meet you there
I'll meet you there
Deep inside of you there’s a ruby glow
And it gets brighter then you and I will ever know
There’s a rushing sound that surrounds us when we walk alone
And it’s everything we've never known
Wander down the street
And I would be the pavement beneath your feet
If we could just be immobile for some time
And finally figure out the way we feel
About the missing puzzle pieces and cloudy question marks
It still looks a bit surreal
Oh I tend to disappear here and there
So concentrate and you’ll feel me everywhere
And well feel the metro skies with country air
If you’re lost when you close your eyes I’ll meet you there
You could be anywhere
I’ll meet you there
You could be anywhere
Open your eyes and see everything you can be
I'll meet you there
I Really Shouldn't:
- Be watching the Knowing when I should be doing my assignments
- Think bad things
- Eat raspberry jam out of the jar
- Burst out into tears in every movie
The Easy and the Hard Part
Friday, 4 September 2009