Saturday 24 January 2009


Couple of days ago Al called me and asked me to go with him to his semi formal because he got the date of the formal wrong and so the girl he asked was still overseas. When he asked I couldn't stop laughing but I said yes.

So I went with him tonight from 7-11 at this place the Sydney guys owned next to Parramatta River. I got all dressed up in Es's dress which she wore to our cousins wedding. When I got there I was feeling so nervous and awkward because
A) everyone there was in year 10 or above (only the waiters were in year 9) and
B)I knew no one.

But after like 10 minutes I talked to a few of Al's friends and their dates so it was good.

Food was alright, the place was beautiful at night, there were so many stars. The dancing was....weird, the music was good, if they could stay on one song for long enough and people just danced. The guys were hilarious.

Then on the balcony we spent our time talking, taking photos and playing a game where you cheer if two lights in a distance flashed at the same time.

Nice night.

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