Saturday 26 June 2010

Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)

Dear siblings,

When I was growing up there was never ending teasing. One of you called me fat. Over and over again. And I was. But that's normal for a 5 year old. It wasn't the best relationship we had as three sisters but we were still close.

Nowadays we barely talk to each other. Today I talked to one of you in what felt like months even though we live in the same house. And then you. You're destroying me. I don't know why. But every word you say is so hypocritical and contradicting and harsh. I wonder why you say them. You're nice one minute and the next you're calling me useless and stupid.

You both judge me even though you haven't had a proper conversation with me in years. I'm home the most out of the three of us. It's not your fault that you're not home. But I see the way you're always yelling, fighting. We seem to never have a civilised conversation anymore without any rage or anger or yelling added to it.

I really do hope it doesn't go on this way in the future. For all our sakes. I still want to thank you both for helping me with school and family stuff. For all the great memories I've shared with the both of you. I'm just disappointed the bad times outweigh the good by a thousand.

From your Youngest Sister.

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