Monday 30 November 2009


..refrain...from being...emo. Lol jks. But yeah if I'm happy then there's nothing to complain or whine or cry about. That's why most of my posts lately have been emo and crap. (well technically all of them are crap so that's just a pathetic lame excuse...shutup)

OK umm happy stuff.....ilyfam. hehehhe. =D

Didn't go to school today but I shall go tomorrow! Jigging school is a sin, don't do it children. Crap I'm talking to imaginary kids. I'm delirious from the medication that I will consume in a few hours time. Yeah something is seriously wrong with me.

More happy stuff: I deposited money! Finally! and ummm I made a playlist on Windows Media Player which I haven't done in a while. OH it rained!!!!! Happy happy happy. AND I got oreos with strawberry filling! It would be even more awesome if I find where grandma put them. Tomorrow I'm seeing Luke after....4 days YAY.

Side note: I hate going to the doctors. A lot.

OH btw there's a tiny chance I might be going to America these holidays. I doubt it though, I don't really want to go either. Long story, not really, just a lot of...well not complications, just pro's and big cons.

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