Saturday 10 April 2010

If I had my own room and could do ANYTHING with it....

My room would had five walls cause...well that'd be awesome...

I'd paint one side with blackboard paint so i can drawing anything on it. Friends can sign it, leave messages, draw on it and update me. I'd organise my life on it too. After it's full, I'd take polaroids of the wall and clean all of it off.

I'd paint the largest wall black/navy blue with white spots that look like stars in the night sky. There'd be heaps of hooks to hang belts, jewellry and jackets. There would be a walk in warbrobe with sliding mirror doors like the ones in my room now execpt about half the height and double the length.

I'd paint another wall pale blue with two shelves that take up 2 thirds of the wall. One shelf for movies and the other shelf for books. The other third is a little reading corner with futons, reading light and those big comfy armchairs with ridiculous coverings.

I'd paint another side pale green so I can hang pictures and put up all my polaroids of the wall and other polaroids that I'd have taken with family and friends.

The last wall  is pale pink has the upper half as a window and a queen sized bed pushed up against the wall (yeah it a big-ass room, fantasy remember) with a tv at the foot of the bed. Lots of pillows and one banana pillow. I need my banana pillow.

Fairy lights strung across every wall and intertwined with my bed frame. A mini chanderlier. And one loose floorboard to hide my stash (money, junk food etc.)

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