Sunday 9 March 2008

Things That Should Die

Ok so the title might be a bit extreme but this is not about how I hate people and wish they would fall off this world. Just things that just happen to annoy me.

Things that should die:
  • Sequels- DOWN WITH SEQUELS. They should just not happen because nothing comes close to the originals.
  • Corny Lines- Unless of course you live on Sesame Street but seriously I think the scripter for High School Musical should just die of shame. Those lines were way too corny, even for Disney.
  • Mosquitos- They say all things in life have a good purpose, like the bee gives us honey and spreads pollen. Hell even the spider saves the world from insect polluted air.

    But hold on, think about this: what does a flying blood sucking, disease carrier that buzzesin your ear at night and leaves you with giant lumps on your skin, contribute to society? FUCKING MALARIA AND LEAVING YOU LOOKING LIKE YOU'VE BEEN BATHING IN EFFING POISON IVY. So yes I rkn mozzies should fck off.
  • Homework- What is the point of homework? Apart from the obvious and the significant notification of the name yes I do get that it is work at home but seriously what does this acheive?

    Fair enough that we do enough at school but that is different, we're paying to be taught and educated in school. We actually learn at school but when we get home all we want is to eat, sleep, go online, hang with family and friends and so on, NOT LOOKING AT THE DICTIONARY FOR THE WORD ONOMATOPOEIA (the formation of a word, as cuckoo or boom, by imitation of a sound made by or associated with its referent.)

That's pretty much the end of my rant. There are probably heaps more to write about but since no one at all is reading this I'll just give up now =D

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